Saturday, October 5, 2013

There Was a Shut Down But Not a Shut Up-

One of the things that can be said going forward throughout history in reference to those who have lived during the reign of the very first publicly elected black President is that we are smarter. Having had the opportunity to participate in these elections for someone we believe in such as we have has definitely elevated our political intelligence quotient. It was probably better for all those involved in shutting the government down this time, when no one totally understood what they were up to. This being said, they have resolved to just being mean spirited and selfish. There is no reasonable defense for meanness. There are no laws in place or standard operating procedures for those who revert back to the politics of grade school and just decide to treat the new kid like crap. The issue is that this “new kid” (President Obama) bought the best ball to the yard to play with. He also has revitalized the game to include even those who have previously been picked over and left out.

The Republicans and the Tea Party folk have resolved that should the ball come even close to their side of the play yard they would cross their arms turn their backs and kick the sand in defiance to the authority. This same authority that was selected as choice number one over anyone or anything these “mean kids” could throw our way. We became students of the political arena. We started to understand, admire and abhor those who have been voted into those positions and do nothing their constituents have asked of them. I am certain that every congressman has someone in their districts that this healthcare piggy back government shutdown is affecting. The health care plan has been hated from the beginning because it will take cash out of the pockets of those who have for years been getting kickbacks from major pharmaceutical companies. It is also hated by those who joined in the politics game to get some of those riches the medical companies and their connections can afford to give freely, just for a vote such as this one. Insurance companies are doing what insurance companies do.

They (lobbyist of big medical companies) have put their time and money into these representatives of the "people", and now they want the votes to reflect those “favors” given, and accepted. It’s obvious to everyone else that there is a great divide in the hearts of these people who have dug their proverbial heels in, regardless of the outcome. Even Judge Judy says if it doesn't make sense it’s not true, and it simply does not make good sense to allow the government to “shut down” for personal and cut throat political gain. There has to be more to this issue and I suspect lobbyist pandering, handshakes, check writing, wire transfers, real estate, trips abroad and lots and lots of cash is involved.

One of the Tea Party representatives who are responsible for this buffoonery John Fleming, a Louisiana Republican, said in an interview, “This is what my constituents send me here for, “This underscores just how serious we are and how serious our constituents are about putting an end to Obama care.” Meanwhile in his very state, reports and facts bear just the opposite. An estimated 938,000 people in Louisiana do not have health insurance. More people than ever will qualify for free or low-cost health insurance when key parts of the healthcare law take effect in 2014. Representative Tim Huelskamp who is a Kansas Republican calls the president’s health care plan “their own gold-crusted health care plan “and makes it his business to use this time to “negotiate” over fixing the flaws in this plan. Meanwhile his state has About 365,000 Kansans, or about 13.1 percent of the population, were uninsured in 2011, according to data from the Kansas Health Institute.

More than half of Kansans are covered by employer-based insurance, while about one-third are covered by a public program such as Medicare or Medicaid, according to the institute. Of all the uninsured, about 59 percent are ages 19 to 44, and two-thirds are white non-Hispanic. About 75 percent of the uninsured are working. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, also has nothing to be celebratory about, In Florida, where 20.1% of the population is without health insurance, it has the second-highest proportion of residents covered by Medicare. The other large public health insurance program, Medicaid, covers Americans who cannot afford coverage. Roughly 18% of the population is covered under the program.

This is why it cannot be said they are representing their constituents; the very people who elected them to these offices are contacting the new medical website and call centers in droves to get some relief from the over pricing being done by the health care community. Many have exhausted their hard earned monetary savings due to a health care system that has been allowed to run ramped for many years. Those companies that are content to continue to make drugs that seem to only tame diseases rather than cure them.

Medicines that cost in some cases literally and “arm or a leg” are always being sold to us on the premise that it will make us “feel better” but are careful never to promise any possible cures. Emergency room visits that causes heart attacks rather than relieving them. For too long big insurance companies have been making fist over fist in cash by refusing to accommodate those who because sick and then sought medical insurance. They called that a “pre-existing condition” and refused health care and therefore emotionally, physically and financially bankrupted families and generations, because of their failure to care about people.

Where will this all stop? When folks refuse to follow the wrong leader and start following the President. Upon arriving in Congress, in 1991, Boehner quickly became the leader of a rebel faction called the “Gang of Seven” that used overdrafts at the now defunct House bank to discredit the Democratic majority that had controlled the chamber for forty years. After the Republicans took control, in 1994, the new House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, rewarded Boehner by bringing him into the leadership as chairman of the Republican Conference, the fourth-ranking position in the House. He quickly shelved some of his more radical ideas—abolishing the Department of Education and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration—but he remained more conservative than the garden-variety country-club Republicans who still populated Capitol Hill. In 1995, he was caught passing out checks from the tobacco lobby on the House floor. While he later apologized, the incident did nothing to harm him inside the Republican can read more below

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